So, what do you do when you think you have everything sorted for your wedding? Which is in just over 5 days may I add.
There are a couple of little things left to be finished off, but nothing that will take lots of time.
I am going to my cousin's house tomorrow so she can play around with my hair for mine and Adam's Wedding Day. I have kind of decided what I want doing with it, I just hope it looks okay. I must remember to take my veil and tiara.... which pink plastic and shiney.
Adam asked what my hair would be looking like so I told him "half up and half down with a veil on top" then he looked at me a bit weird, so I said "the only reason I told you is because I know you can't imagine it in your head". So true.
We do need more bottles though, which is slightly worrying me. We went and bought flowers for the Reception the other day and I did a little test run with some of the flowers and fairy lights - it looks extremely good but I think we are about 20 bottles short of having the full set. The idea looks really good though. Apparently, bottles & flowers seems to be really 'in' at the minute, which is really cool because I am never usually 'in' I am always just getting there and then styles change. It's weird though because I didn't even know they were 'in'. I just thought it looked good.

Anyway, back to what you do when you have everything sorted.
Currently, I am getting my emotions stuck into 'The O.C.' right from the beginning; and a series called 'The Killer'... don't judge. I suppose I should be packing, but as anyone from Uni will tell you... I'll probably do this on Friday. If Adam and I were sticking around after the wedding then I would probably pack then but since we're not, it'll wait. On the plus side, I haven't really unpacked since moving back to my mums in January. I'd say 70% of my stuff is still in boxes.
Or, you could go on ? I hear they have some pretty good games and pics and what not on there.
Oo! On other news! Adam and I will have a couple of little additions to our mini Bell family when we get from our holiday in Spain at the end of June. They'll be called Phadra and Kushka -
The picture isn't the best in the world. But they are the ones on the top left and top middle.
they are to random names for cats and dont worry we will get the bottle even if we have to spend the next 5 days drinking apple cider :p xx be home tommorow x