Sunday, 11 March 2012

Bridal Shower Presents

I got lots of things yesterday. Some really lovely things, some really interesting things and some really useful things.

I got lots of things to pamper our new house with.

A new house you say?

Why, yes I do say.

Adam already had a 3 bedroomed house waiting for him in the wings once him and his dad had renovated it, before he had even met me. So now it seems kinda fitting that we obviously live there when we get married. We are cutting it a bit close to the wedding to get it finished but it is already starting to look like a home and I can't wait to show you all.

I think some people at my shower hope I can bake (which I can thankfully) because I got a beautiful set of baking trays and bun cases, all silicone, which is something I haven't tried using before so that'll be interesting. I got a few utensils and the like; spoons (wooden and metal), a melon scooper! and a swivelling potato peeler. We also got something that can only be described as a minature shopping basket which had the whole room guessing, when in actual fact...

... it is a dunking biscuit holder. You hang this 'minature basket' over the side of your cup and put your biscuits in there that you want to dunk, saves you having to try and carry biscuits and hot chocolate in two hands juggling them up the stairs!

I also got a board with the days of the week on it; it looks more glamourous than it sounds honest. I can't decide whether it's going to be a notes board; a menu board or a joint board for Adam and I, it looks too pretty to be for us both.

I got other things aswell. I am not going to try and list them because if I forget one I will feel well bad about missing someone out. Everything I got was awesome though.

Today was mini Mother's Day because this weekend is the last weekend before Easter I think where we are all in the same house so Mum got her Mother's Day early which was really sweet. We are hopefully going out for dinner sometime this week to have a treat but this will depend on funds (stupid funds).

Tomorrow.... Paper or Petals?

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