Saturday, 18 February 2012

One Ring To Rule Them All

I wrote a similar post to this quite a while ago, but back then I was taking about my engagement ring, this time I am talking about my wedding ring. So, I suppose it should be 'TWO' rings to rule them all.

Today, Adam and I walked into HSAMUEL and looked at rings! We looked at shiny ones; small ones; ones with diamonds; ones without diamonds and weirdly shaped ones until we finally came up on the two we wanted. I won't spoil the surprise of them by showing you what they look like but I will say that we decided upon a more modern thing of not making them the same. Some rings just didn't compliment the way I wanted the engagement ring and my wedding ring to look like together on my finger so I decided on a ring I wouldn't normally go for.

When you want your rings from HSAMUEL you have to pay 20% how much they cost together before you can even order them to come in store so make sure you have money on you when you definitely decide which ring it is you want... otherwise you may end up coming away looking sadfaced like we did. But, I like HSAMUEL for TWO REASONS:


The staff are really friendly and offered us 10% off BOTH rings when usually it's just 10% off the woman's ring.


When you pay the 20% for the rings to order you can go in at any time and pay off the rings as and when you have the money available. So for example, if our rings cost more than we can afford this month, then we can just put down the amount of money we can afford (which is about 3/4 of the amount of the two rings) and then go and pay off the rest of the amount later; our rings are still there ready to be picked up any time we want.

Just for the record though, Adam tried on more rings than I did.

Oh and another thing that Adam's mum mentioned to me today. If you want to ask that special someone to marry you but are weary of two things:
1. Her/Him not liking the ring you chose/or it not fitting
2. Too expensive and you can't afford it


HSAMUEL have devised a new amazing idea. You can buy an engagement ring in your girlfriends/boyfriends size for £49.99 and it looks like the real deal. It looks amazing. It has a big cubic zuconia diamond on the top and you can get it in silver or gold. Get this, you can propose to your partner with this ring and then come into the store together and choose a different ring that you both love by swapping the £49.99 ring for another one, OR you can use this £49.99 ring as a deposit for another more expensive ring that you like.

This way, you still get to bend down on one knee and propose to your beloved without feeling bad about them not liking the ring or it being too expensive. I must admit though, there are some really good deals on in there at the minute; an engagement ring and wedding ring (ones that match each other for a woman) are £549 when they used to be £1249... So, proper diamond and everything. It's worth a look.

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