Since we've finished designing the invitations I think we'd better get started on at least designing the program(me)s. I haven't been to many Latter Day Saint weddings, in fact if I remember correctly I have only ever been to two. One when I was defintely below 10 years of age and the other was August last year (Rosie & John Jenkinson - their wedding was beautiful) and so because of this minor/major detail Adam and I really don't know how the service is supposed to work. The only things we do know is that we should have two talks; two hymns; a scripture reading; possibly a poetry reading; opening and closing prayer and of course the actual vows!

The ceremony is supposed to start at 11am, but I think I might just turn up, y'know fashionably late. It just depends on how excited I am to be married (in answer to that statement I'd say "UHM EXTREMELY EXCITED"). I think we open with a hymn and I think we've chosen 'How Firm a Foundation' or 'The Spirit of God', but I think we're going with the latter, then there is the opening prayer; a talk; a scripture; a talk then the poem (possibly a musical item) then the vows. I think that's why I chose the dress that I have because it's not very creasable... and I'll be sat down a lot, and don't worry as soon as Adam and I get back from the honeymoon I'll post photos of the wedding and the honeymoon.
The theme for the wedding is 'Wishes Come True' so like a fairytale with a twist because it's a spring fairytale so we'll be using lots of crystals and shiny sparkly things but also incorporate the actual spring wish. A dandelion (not the yellow apparently makes you wet the bed kind) but the white fluffy kind which you blow away and make a wish on in the wind. It will be on everything. The invites, programmes, placecards and possibly the tables.
Still doesn't feel real sometimes. I spoke to the florist about flowers today and I spoke to my friend who is doing the cake tomorrow. She looked at the two - tiered cake in the picture and said, 'yep, I can do that'. I actually want three tiers but I am sure she will be perfectly brilliant.
I told my fiancee and sister yesterday that once we get into February it'll be double digit figures until Adam and I get married. Right now it's 110... I know I'm sad but I'm sure you'd count too.
so have you sent me the invites yet and have you talked to mike about printing them at work if i cant ? and i shall check though tommorow depending on what time i get out of uni.
ReplyDeleteI need you to check. i haven't asked michael. Not sure if he can do A3. can you find out sometime this week though so you can tell me saturday. I have found a printer place in town (not cheap but in desperation it'll have to do if you can't print them). I have it saved as a PDF if you can open it as that then I'll send you it, if you have Adobe you should be fine. xxx