Emily and Beth sent me their specific measurements today and so I went online fingers at the ready to start punching some numbers. I went to the website the dress was on and the WHOLE layout of the website had changed. So I scurried to my saved dress and there it was.
I went to the colours to see what the dress would look like in the green I wanted the other bridesmaids in, but I couldn't see it... I couldn't see any colour options at all, and there was no link on the whole website that I could see that took me to a colour chart (which there was before) so at this point I am about ready to cry...
I have no sizing, no colour and now apparently there would be no dress. This dress that the girls and I had been staring at for days had finally disappeared. Much to our horror and dismay.
With the help of a bridesmaid we scoured the net through 2, 3, 4, 5 websites of dresses, deja vu kicked in. I had been here before, I had done all this and all my hard work had paid off for a week... yet here I was again right back at the beginning scouring the net for the dress... again.
This time I have chosen four dresses, 3 from 1 site and 1 from another but none are from the original website I went onto and they are all roughly the same price.
Moral of the story is: Be prepared if you are buying online to really BUY online, that minute, NO... that millisecond you find the dress you want, otherwise... you'll be left in deja vu land for another day or so with stress which is never really needed or wanted.
134 days to go.
that really sucks i heard about it yesturday i was soo anooyed so on to the next dresses i suppose (its emily by the way ) x